Week 9 – reviewing theories and IWBs

I’m quite thankful for the content of week 9.  I have never had the chance to use IWBs before, but will have one to use on prac.  Therefore, I’m very grateful for a heads up on how to use it to my advantage.  Also it’s nice to be pushed to review theories and frameworks.  I tend to use them without really thinking sometimes, so it will be good to take the time to look at each one as a refresher before prac and assignment 3.  On that note, here is my table of models/theories/frameworks as a part of the week 9 learning path.  I apologise for the lack  of links but a Google search is always a good place to start.  You may also want to look at the table completed by some of the other EDC3100 students – Jacinta’s table or Aaron’s table.

Theory Purpose Application to Assignment 3/Professional Experience
CLEM Model Help understand how to learn about a new ICT and how to use it to enhance student learning. If there are any new ICTs you need to use it might help your explorations.

Hence might be useful as a part of the planning process for Part B.

TPACK framework  Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – combining a teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) with their technological knowledge in terms of subject matter / content knowledge (TCK) and technological knowledge in terms of enhancing learning / ICT pedagogical knowledge(TPK)  great tool for planning and reflection to make sure I’m am making a good match between how I teach, what I teach and the tools and technology I’m using.
Backwards design  Design method for planning. Start with what you want students to know at end of lesson/unit, how you will assess that, then work your way back to what the lessons will include to reach these goals.  I will use this design for my planning.  What do I need/want to teach (what are the objectives), how will I assess that and then think about what will make up the lessons to get to those objectives.
SAMR Model  A framework to view levels of technology integration in the classroom.  Level of integration moves up the ladder, starting with substitution, then up to augmentation, then modification, and finally redefinition.  This will be important to help me plan and reflect on technology choices in lessons.  I want to make sure there is a purpose for the ICT and try to move up the SAMR ladder as much as possible.
TIP Model  Very similar to backwards design, except add in a step to question use of ICT and what advantage does the ICT provide  May use this instead of basic backward design when I know ICTs will feature in my lesson
The 5Es  teaching and learning model that uses / progresses through 5 phases: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate  am likely to use this as a framework within my lesson plans.  Especially for science (as my prac school often uses lesson plans from primary connections who use the 5es)
WALT & WILF  WALT – we are learning to

WILF – what I’m looking for

can be used with class to make learning intentions explicit and allow students to be actively involved in the learning process

 could use these in orientation stage of my lessons to make expectations/learning intentions explicit
Connectivism  Theory that is based on importance of social and cultural contexts of learning (similar to Vygotsky and ZPD).  I tend to incorporate opportunities for scaffolding and group learning to take into account this social idea of learning – likely to be a part of my lessons in this prac too
Bloom’s taxonomy  framework that provides questions and thinking skills at differing levels.  Levels move from remembering to understanding, to applying, to analysing, to evaluating, and finally to creating.  Another framework to base my lessons on.  I am trying to use this as an alternative to always using the 5E’s.  I like that there are digital versions of the taxonomy for ICT inspiration
Postman’s 5 things  This is a schema or framework to think about technological change.

  1. technology is always a trade off
  2. technology creates winners and losers
  3. there is a powerful idea embedded in every technology
  4. technology is ecological, not additive
  5. technology tends to become mythic
 this may be useful in my reflections and planning – looking at advantages and disadvantages to students, the ideals behind the ICT usage of my class/school, etc
Toolbelt theory/TEST framework  Toolbelt theory is based on the idea of humans as tool users.  The TEST framework allows us to be more effective tool users as in each situation we consider Task, Environment, Skill set and Tools available.  Could be useful in planning to help me choose the right ICT tools for my class and the lesson.  May also be useful in reflection to think about why an ICT hasn’t worked.
PKM  personal knowledge management – how an individual gathers, stores, shares, uses (etc) knowledge in daily activities  An ongoing process for me as I build PK, TK, CK.  I will have to think about and reflect on building all these areas.  Can also think in terms of am I empowering my students to be able to manage their learning in the future

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