Tag Archives: 2015

Another semester down

Hello world!

It has been a while between posts, sorry. I had all these grand plans of using this site as a reflection tool constantly during the year…but alas it has been very low on the priority list.

Well, as long as I get passing marks on my final assignment and exam, I have completed another semester. Only 5 subjects to go! But those 5 subjects will take me a long year and a half to complete. I feel pretty confident with the subjects I completed this semester. To be honest, the mathematics course took most of my attention. I really enjoyed creating the Webquest. It was a great subject in that it was really explicit in the teaching/learning/expectations. Hopefully my marks reflect my engagement in the course. The literacies subject definitely played second fiddle, and I’m afraid my marks may reflect that. I didn’t improve on my marks from the ICT course as much as I’d hoped. Seems essay writing is still my kryptonite. None the less, I’m happy to have another semester done!

Whilst I’m here, I just wanted to say something which is really unimportant but, none the less, here it is:
I felt so old at uni today! First time on campus for years for an exam. Whilst I realise I’m a mature-aged student, I really felt it for the first time today being in the physical presence of the younger cohort. I rocked up all comfy, in my uggies and beanie on a cold winter morning. Every one else, done up to the nines as if it were a job interview. What the! When did exams and uni become a fashion statement?! Ah, like I said, totally unimportant, just was so surprised to be the only one dressed for comfort and warmth for an exam…

See you all next semester!

Deja Vu

First things first, a little fist pump for remembering to come on here and post.  Woo!

4064 Kids are awesome. by rynsms, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic License   by  rynsms 

Secondly, and relevant to the title, I’m currently doing an assignment that has me feeling a bit of deja vu.  Much like the EDC3100 assignment 1, I’m looking at ICT use in the early years.  Not only am I writing an essay, I’m creating a digital artefact to showcase the key points of my essay.   My main goal going in to this assignment was to better the work I did in EDC3100 (seeing as the two assignments are so aligned).  At first I was feeling confident, now I’m struggling.  I have all these ideas in my head, but they just aren’t making it onto the screen.  And I can’t do the artefact until I finish the essay.  Aargh!!

I have never been a strong essay writer.  I feel confident in my mind as to why I would use ICT to support literacy learning in the early years.  But like I said above I just can’t translate that into a professional essay.  Wish me luck this next couple of weeks.  And good luck to anyone else out there doing assignments.